In consultation with the Seniors Advisory Panel at Baycrest Health Sciences, our class was tasked with answering the question: “How might we best enable active aging?” After clustering secondary research along a STEEPL framework, I defined active aging as a way of life which is inherently undefinable, but has a few precepts: it is active rather than passive, preventative rather than curative, and so forth; most importantly, it is by nature universally-desirable (but evidently, not universally-realized). I propose that the most important enabler of active aging is not a product or a service, but awareness of the concept itself. The project is an audiovisual experience in the form of a video PSA. The goal of the PSA is to spread the awareness of active aging among seniors in Ontario through conveying the concept in a sentimental, instinctive manner, that active aging is self-actualizing, achievable, and most crucially, “begins with you.” The research phase was performed in collaboration with Adam Albini and Mathisan Paramanathan. Video lengths: 3 minutes full PSA, and 45 seconds short PSA, with stock footage from Pexels, Pixabay, and Vidsplay. The current prototypes are intended as rough drafts, to be fine-tuned through collaborative stakeholder engagement. "ID 4: Design for Health," OCAD U, November-December 2018.